When numbers get too big!

Some years ago I was playing with datasets that had massive discrepancies. As the report was text-only, I didn't have graphs to serve as a crutch, and so had to think of something else.


We tend to be very good at interpreting things we have a direct correlation with. A time interval, as long as it's within our life expectancy, is a solid metric.

If we're dealing with numbers between zero and some billions, milliseconds are a proper base.

description number number as time
Average US salary 63,000 ~ 1 minute
A million dollars 1 million ~ 17 minutes
Chuck Norris net worth 70 millions ~ 19 hours
Tesla investment in BTC 1.5 billions ~ 17 days
Jeff Bezos net worth 198 billions ~ 6 years
Apple market cap 2.61 trillions ~ 82 years

Check your own net worth:

Your net worth is !

I once returned from holidays to find a beehive between the glass and the window shutter, the noise and smell were incredible. One billion bees, is it a beelion? :)