email Postfix using Gmail as a relay server It's trivial to configure your box to dispatch emails via an external SMTP provider like Gmail.
haproxy How to mitigate attacks on WordPress when running under a full CDN like Cloudflare How to restrict a user when the IP you're getting hit with belongs to the CDN (Content Distribution Network)? This is a guide on how to leverage an OSI Level 7 Proxy, such as HAProxy, to scope and filter malicious requests.
java Premature optimization, where software thrives unless you kill it first - a tale of Java GC Will a LinkedList be faster? Should I swap the `for each` with an `iterator`? Should this `ArrayList` be an `Array`? This article came to be in response to an optimization so malevolent it has permanently etched itself into my memory.
programming How to calculate P&L While displaying current profits or losses is a number taken for granted in every financial dashboard, it makes for a fun question as it's one of those calculations that can and should be optimized.
programming Interactive Brokers TWS API - and yet it works! If you glance over the forums, it looks like this software was forged in the fires of hell. Follow me in a journey to the depths.
utilities SSH, Mosh and tmux If you're using secure shell to remote, Mosh and tmux should be part of your arsenal.
trivial Pepsi broke the contract An API is a contract with the world, and that makes it one of the hardest things to get right in software design.
java Run bash commands from Java You may want to use `ffmpeg` to convert a bunch of videos, or call `ImageMagick` to manipulate some images. Whatever you may need, calling external programs from Java is pretty straightforward.
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java Java: How to get all implementations of an Interface You've implemented them all. That was the hard part. Listing them should be easy!
utilities AutoHotKey, the magic keyboard As a developer, I'm constantly pushing for automatization. First target? The keyboard.
Don't forget to backup the cloud! By now, it's a given that you're making backups to the cloud. Are you also backing the cloud up?
java DTO, DAO and Repository Patterns The acronyms and some slight overlap tend to raise questions when programmers first start to implement these techniques.
trivial Linux, find and gzip a bunch of files I've been recently asked if you can traverse a bunch of folders and gzip all files that end in *.csv. Sure you can!
trivial Monit, or how to get a grip on those processes Some tools are just crafted to perfection. Monit is one of them. If you're running linux processes that you want checked, don't waste your time on anything else.
email Sendmail (or Mail) with subject on a single line Quick reference on how to use `sendmail` or `mail` from the command line to send to multiple recipients, with subject and body in a one-liner.
trivial MySQL server without root Can you install MySQL without admin/root access to your machine? Yes you can!
backup Storage Spaces with parity, very slow writes. Solved! You've set up Windows Storage Spaces with parity only to find that writing performance is ridiculous? It's all in the layers.
utilities HTCondor, install and configure as non-root HTCondor is an incredible job scheduler. It runs on Mac, Linux and Windows and can harness your CPU idle cycles.
hardware Ryzen cooldown, finally! Ryzen is a beast of a processor. This is a rundown of how I eventually fixed its thermal profile, keeping it both hot and cold.