programming How to calculate P&L While displaying current profits or losses is a number taken for granted in every financial dashboard, it makes for a fun question as it's one of those calculations that can and should be optimized.
utilities SSH, Mosh and tmux If you're using secure shell to remote, Mosh and tmux should be part of your arsenal.
trivial Pepsi broke the contract An API is a contract with the world, and that makes it one of the hardest things to get right in software design.
trivial Linux, find and gzip a bunch of files I've been recently asked if you can traverse a bunch of folders and gzip all files that end in *.csv. Sure you can!
trivial Monit, or how to get a grip on those processes Some tools are just crafted to perfection. Monit is one of them. If you're running linux processes that you want checked, don't waste your time on anything else.
trivial Sendmail (or Mail) with subject on a single line Quick reference on how to use `sendmail` or `mail` from the command line to send to multiple recipients, with subject and body in a one-liner.
trivial MySQL server without root Can you install MySQL without admin/root access to your machine? Yes you can!
trivial Postfix using Gmail as a relay 💡If you just need to forward emails from your Linux user account to another email, you can add a ~/.forward file with the destination email "[email protected]". Then chmod 644 the file. While you would want to set up a proper