utilities SSH, Mosh and tmux If you're using secure shell to remote, Mosh and tmux should be part of your arsenal.
utilities AutoHotKey, the magic keyboard As a developer, I'm constantly pushing for automatization. First target? The keyboard.
utilities HTCondor, install and configure as non-root HTCondor is an incredible job scheduler. It runs on Mac, Linux and Windows and can harness your CPU idle cycles.
utilities When numbers get too big! Tesla invested 1.5B in BTC. Amazon had 100B profits in 2020. Chuck Norris has an estimated 70 M net worth. When numbers get very large, they become abstract.
utilities SystemRescueCD 6.1.x and SSHD Your hard-drive's dying as soon as it gets out of the factory. Bit by bit, sector by sector. Don't postpone backups, but when disaster strikes, SystemRescueCD may go a long way!
utilities The `ls` command is hard-wired into your brain, how to make it work in windows? What I generally do is to create a folder with my personal commands, then I add that folder to the PATH. To change the “environment variables” for your account just
utilities How to install that *.msi as a non administrator? You don't always need administrator privileges! Make it a good habit to try and install as a regular user.